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Case Study – Nursing Home

We were asked to deliver our training to a Nursing Home who was experiencing some difficulties within the team. They had relatively high sickness rates and a high staff turnover. They were very worried about their team as they were beginning to demonstrate many of the symptoms of Compassion Fatigue.


We delivered three 6-hour training workshops on Compassion Fatigue to a total of 35 learners including nursing and care staff, catering and other support team members.

Pre-Course Questionnaire Results


The main findings of this questionnaire showed that staff were demonstrating clearly the emotional impact of their roles on them at work and at home. These results also showed that staff were regularly working longer hours than they were being paid for, felt guilty if they were off sick and thought about work at home. Some were already considering finding other employment but as yet very few had been formally diagnosed with workplace stress or other mental health issues. So it was important to get the training in place for them as quickly as possible.

Feedback from the Training Day

During the training day we asked the team if they were aware of what the organisation already had in place to support them emotionally. They knew that they had supportive managers who had an open-door policy so they could discuss how they were feeling. They felt that their HR team and training team were also very empathetic, supportive and approachable. They rely on each other for emotional support and were in touch with each other outside work socially which they found very helpful.


The suggestions they had for the management team to support them better included a better staff room where they could relax or go when they were feeling emotional, access to a counselling service and complementary therapy. Team building days and more flexible working options. They also felt that they would benefit from clinical supervision a formal de briefing after an upsetting incident and a more joined up approach between the staff in different areas of the home. Finally, they all felt that the IT system needed reviewing.

Some comments from the evaluation forms

  • Very good content, relevant to my profession, staff would benefit from regular refreshers.

  • Thankyou Jayne for a very informative, well delivered course. I have understanding of compassion fatigue and what it is and will be able to identify the risk in myself and others.

  • I found the training very useful and can now put it into practice and a great big thankyou to Jayne for this.

  • Fantastic training which will make a huge difference to me and everyone in the team.

  • Everyone should receive this training.

  • Really positive and worthwhile days training. Got the chance to reflect on the issues that we face as professionals and how to deal with them.

  • Very effective and informative training highlighting the impact of our work on our life.

  • Very informative and well delivered training. This should be mandatory training for all healthcare professionals.

  • Brilliant balance of theory and participation

  • It was probably the best course I have ever been on

  • Thank you so much for an enjoyable and informative day out. I loved every minute, kudos to you guys keep up the good work. Very upbeat. Will definitely apply it in all aspects of my life.

  • The presentation was very well co-ordinated. Both presenters kept the training very interesting and educational

  • I have never been on a course like this before so found it very interesting.

Three-month follow-up questionnaire results


Feedback and Comments after three months

These results demonstrate that before the training very few learners knew about Compassion Fatigue or Vicarious trauma, but most of them recognised the symptoms in themselves and their colleagues. The training was a positive experience for them and their team and has helped them cope better with their work. This change has been noticed at home and at work and their manager has implemented some of the suggestions that they made during the days which has improved morale. They all felt that the training had been a positive initiative and that ongoing training would be beneficial.


Action Plan

Following the training the management team, changed the staff room and also made a training room with IT for distance learning. They booked further training with us on an annual basis and for all new staff.


They arranged for complementary therapy and also mindfulness training for the team and got access to a local counsellor.


We provided them with a de briefing tool to use and additional support in this area.


They also reviewed their IT provision, working practices and communication policies.

Feedback from the Manager

"When I first spoke to Jayne regarding this course, I have to admit that I had no idea what it was. Jayne mentioned a book that explained compassion fatigue, which our home manager ordered. As I read the book I realized that I too had suffered with compassion fatigue years ago.


In the care industry many of us may come across compassion fatigue, so the more who learn about it and are aware of it and the symptoms, the easier it is to spot in someone else. As in my case I spoke to someone who I thought might be suffering with compassion fatigue, I gave them the book to read then sat down and told her what I had learnt from Jayne. We all thought we were alone, weak or a failure. So thank you Jayne for bringing compassion fatigue to our attention and showing us there is a way to overcome it by talking to others, having a relaxing bath, a long walk. Whatever helps you to unwind and be yourself even if it’s just for half an hour a day!"

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